Friday, April 13, 2012

My ‘Damascus Road’ Experience

With this being my first post, it’s only appropriate that I introduce you to Room 128! About a year ago, I decided to fully devote myself to living the life that God desires for me….you know, one that includes making conscious decisions and striving daily to live holy and acceptable unto Christ. This is a hard decision that comes with daily struggles, but it is THE most rewarding decision I’ve ever made.
A little background on me: I grew up in a series of pretty “traditional” black Baptist churches around Baton Rouge and had been in “church” all of my life. I never really got into any trouble, graduated from college (about to finish my Masters degree), don’t have any kids and hadn’t done anything to bring shame on my family… by a set of the world’s standards, people (and I) thought I was doing ‘great.’
Last year in February, I went out with some friends to a bar and proceeded to get a tad bit more intoxicated than I anticipated. Long story short, I woke up the next day feeling horrible and as I went to brush my teeth, tears just began to flow uncontrollably. Now what I haven’t told you is that, since October of 2009 I had really began to start practicing the Word of God in my life, as opposed to just listening to it weekly. And I was doing pretty good until that Friday night..smh. That Saturday morning I literally could not look at my own reflection because I was disappointed and embarassed at what I had done the previous evening. THIS, my friend, was my ‘Damascus Road’…or literally the point in my life that I heard God telling me that He desires more for my life and where I realized that I could no longer “play” church or half-commit.
It was on the Road to Damascus that Saul of Tarsus(a pharisee…or person who followed religious doctrine but completely denied the power of Christ) literally had a “Coming to Jesus” meeting and began to follow Christ (this is also where his name was changed to Paul, who would go on to write most of the New Testament, see Acts 9).
As I began to read about just exactly HOW much God loves me and how much he desires for me, I decided that I wanted the VERY best that He has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, the gifts of salvation, grace and mercy are WONDERFUL…. BUT, I want EVERYTHING! I’m talking about the anointing, peace, favor, healing, provision, prosperity, and restoration that comes from obedience to His Word.
As I began to let go of things that were contrary to God’s Word… hobbies, likes, and even friends (as hard as it was), God began to show up every step of the way. I began to give my lifestyle to God and developed an earnest desire for His presence in everything I did.
People have always told me “you’re always try to find the good in everything,” or “you always have something encouraging or nice to say,”….thus the name of this blog, “Room 128.” I’ve been wanting to start this blog for quite some time now but I was consulting with God to make sure that I do it to His benefit…and last night in Bible study, He gave me the name “Room 128.” As I listened to His voice, I was lead to Romans 12:8, which reads:
“If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
With all of that being said, Room 128 will be a place of encouragement and exhortation for the body of believers as I love you all and want you to experience God’s very best for your life! :-)
Allison :-)
(originally posted: March 4, 2011)

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