Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When the chains fell...

Usually I have some witty intro (or at least I try to) to the blog, but today I have one simple question: Where were you when the chains fell?

Huh? I was in chains? What “chains” are you talking about? … Well I’m glad you asked! (Even if you didn’t, humor me by pretending you did)

Many of us have heard the story in Acts 16:16-40 (which you can read here) about how Paul and Silas have been stripped, beaten, and wrongfully imprisoned under careful watch. At midnight, Paul and Silas began to worship God … chained and shackled in a jail cell. As they continued to praise God, an earthquake commenced and the chains that once shackled Paul and Silas were broken.

So back to the question: Where were YOU when the chains fell? Allow yourself to remember back to the point where you felt you were at your darkest hour … where you felt all odds stacked against you ... Picture the heartbreak, sadness, fear, brokenness you felt at that VERY moment …

… and now picture the moment where God delivered you from some stuff, some things, some habits and even some people and replaced that with joy, hope, and love. Can you hear the “chains” falling? Can you feel the guilt, the hurt, the shame, the disappointment falling off?

Something that REALLY stood out that passage of scripture is when the guard is awakened by the earthquake and goes to kill himself because he thinks the prisoners have escaped, Paul stops him by saying they are all there (v.27-28). The jailer then realizes the power of God’s hand on the life of Paul and Silas and asks what must he do to be saved.

Had Paul and Silas escaped, the jailer (and subsequently his family) would not have been saved. Paul and Silas chose to let the power of God deliver them instead of escaping. Had they “escaped,” God wouldn’t have gotten any glory and no lives would have been saved. The next morning the decision was made to release Paul and Silas privately … but Paul made them escort them out PUBLICLY to display God’s power.

Had Paul and Silas escaped rather been delivered, they would have had to hide, “lay low”, and sneak around to get to another place where they could minister ... all while “watching their back” from the past they were running from.  Escaping would have traded the literal chains for the figurative chains of being “on the run.”

When we “escape” things instead of being delivered from them, we usher in a certain silence with a cloud of secrecy hovering over it. When people escape, they can’t FREELY talk about it, they can’t blast their story to the world… they have to “lay low” and stay hidden.

When you “escape” you silence your testimony! Deliverance produces a freedom that escaping never can! God wants you FREE to talk about what He’s brought you out of!

AFTER the chains were broken Paul’s conversation with the jailer saved his life. The Bible says that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb AND by the word of our testimony … how many of US have silenced our testimony by escaping rather than being truly delivered?

I want to submit to you that every chain that’s been broken off of your life wasn’t just for you but for you to display God’s power to someone else so that they may be saved. For every “chain” that’s come off of you, God has blessed you with a word of encouragement to share with someone else.

It is my prayer that we stop trying to “escape” and submit to God’s power to deliver us and BREAK EVERY CHAIN in our lives. Lord I pray that you will break the chains of sin, hurt, pain, disappointment, negative relationships, emotional distress, fear, shame, guilt, worthlessness, and any other chain that has us physically, emotionally or spiritually bound to the things of our past. Remind us Lord that there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, You are FAITHFUL AND JUST to forgive us, and help us to remember that although we are called to share our testimonies we DO NOT have to JUSTIFY the grace that You have shown us!

I pray that you find yourself in God’s presence, where there is liberty and fullness of joy, as you rest in the fact that whom the Son has set free is free INDEED!

Below is Tasha Cobbs' performance of "Break Every Chain" from WTAL 2012. You can follow her at @tashacobbs and get the single on iTunes & Amazon!

I love you and rejoice with you as the chains fall!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Cash Out"

Quick question: have you ever purchased a relatively expensive gift for yourself and had people try to get you to explain WHY you would spend THAT amount of money on that particular item? (Examples iPhone 5, iPad mini, (no Apple shade tho!), Concords, LeBrons, or a Certain Shoe or Clothing brand…whatever the case may be.) …And THEN have them suggest what THEY would’ve done with that amount of money?

Most people’s first thought is something along the “you wasn’t with me shooting in the gym” train of thought or one that suggests “you-don’t-know-how-hard-I-work-for-my-money-and-therefore-have-no-right-to-tell-me-how-to-spend-it.” Often times we sacrifice for what we want (publicly AND privately) only to have it criticized by those who won’t be affected either way. After all THAT sacrifice, you won’t let ANYONE discredit what you went THROUGH to get what you want.

Over the last 26 years I’ve come to realize something most folks know, values vary among people. Not everything carries the same weight to different people. For instance, $1 isn’t the same to me as it is to Diddy. *Diddy bops*

“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him,objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” –  John 12:3-5

A few quick points and I’ll be out.
·         Judas, the person IN the church, was SO worried about the CONTENTS of the box, he missed the CONDITION of the woman. A woman, bowed low before her Lord & King (who had also just raised her brother Lazarus from death in John 11) to anoint Jesus as her sacrificial worship. Her worship was birthed out of gratitude!
o   When someone gives COSTLY worship to God, who are we to judge what their worship SHOULD cost? We gotta stop judging folks’ worship!

·         Honestly, it seems like Judas was just trying to help right? Nah … he good.He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.” – John 12:6 … Judas was the treasurer …but he was also stealing to benefit his own needs.
      o   NO ONE knows the price you’ve paid for your worship, therefore NO ONE can tell you HOW to 
           worship! #Confession: I’ll admit it, I used to call folks “Jesus Freaks” because of THEIR 
           style/method of worship (forgive me! Lol) but after THIS year, can’t NO ONE tell me how to 
           worship because NO ONE knows exactly WHAT it cost me.

·        Sometimes your worship will cost you EVERYTHING

When’s the last time you truly worshiped? Does your level of worship reflect your level of gratitude?

Today, I encourage you to get to a place where you can FREELY worship God. Enjoy the peace & joy that worship brings, don’t let ANYONE suppress your worship and surround yourself with people who understand & don’t question your worship! 

Ponder on God's goodness, grace & mercy ...reflect on the gratitude in your heart ... and worship accordingly!

Love you lots ... Not just the cliche' type either, like I REALLY love you! :)
Allison (<--yes, that's actually my real name & not LouBay, contrary to popular belief....but I still answer to both, Lol)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

“Are you really ready for ‘Boaz?’”

     As summer unfolds, we have begun to see our friends and family upload pictures from their various excursions ranging from children and parents frolicking at Disney World to our peers lying out on the beach with the girls to… wedding pictures.  Yes, beautifully decorated, heart-warming, love-filled wedding pictures of yet another person who isn’t you.

     This is not to say that you are not thrilled for your family member, friend, co-worker or the waitress at your favorite restaurant, but the thought may pop into your head of when will it be my turn?  As a single, 26-year old Christian woman, I can honestly say that I have had that thought and many others similar to it, namely “where is MY ‘Boaz?’” For those unfamiliar with “Boaz,” he is the subject of probably the most widely known “romantic love story” in the Bible, who essentially sweeps widowed Ruth off her feet.

     As a Christian woman who wants to date, fall madly in love with and spend the rest of my life with a Christian husband, I certainly had a laundry list of prerequisites for my “Boaz.” Although some of the things on my “list” may have been valid (and some just as foolish), I never gave thought to how I would match up to the list “Boaz” presented.  A friend pointed out something that I will never forget: I was so preoccupied with “Boaz” that I had failed to become “Ruth.”  Not just “damsel in distress Ruth” but possessing the true character of Ruth, one who exemplified the love of Christ through selfless giving, service to those around her, diligence, and gentleness coupled with wisdom and a healed heart from past hurts.

     Many women fail to realize that despite Ruth’s happy ending, she tirelessly gave of herself to bring joy to those around her before “Boaz” ever entered the picture (and she worked, lol).  Before Ruth was ever married (to Boaz)she was useful for God’s service as a single woman. When Boaz first saw Ruth and inquired of her, the servant’s response was not about her looks, her education, or her fashion sense but about her heart of service and expressions of love… and that’s what caught his eye. Ruth didn’t allow herself to be plagued by her past hurts and welcomed the opportunity for love …when it presented itself.

     RELAX …and Get Busy for God!  As you await your “Boaz” do all YOU can to become “Ruthfirst!

I've heard lots of men say that a woman's smile can be one the most attractive things ... Women: when's the last time you SMILED?....Like cheesing DOWN because you were content with WHO you are & WHERE you are in God? ;-)

Love you lots! 

Allison :-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Released & Redeemed"

"Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts." - Ps 119:134

God has to REMOVE some people from our lives for us to obey His Word! The word "oppress" means to press upon, defraud, distress, violate, or deceive others. Sometimes we get SO tangled up in friendships and relationships that press upon, defraud, distress, violate and deceive us from following God's Word. "Redeem me from human oppression" tells us that it's NOT something that we can do in our own strength...YES, it's HARD to cut THAT relationship off or THAT friendship, but God will do so IF we let Him! THEN we will be able to keep His Word.

You ever thought "why do I feel comfortable doing certain things ONLY around certain people?" Like you have a habit you said you're gonna quit 1,000 times but you ONLY do it when a certain person comes around? The people in our environment shape our behavior, no matter if we WANT to admit it or not! (Cc: Prov 27:17) "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Cor 15:33

I pray that we allow God to release us from the pleasing of man, the weight of man's opinions & false approvals and that we all fully embrace the Word of God allowing it to shape our lives!

Happy Wednesday :)

I love you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Trust Issues"

Something I've noticed is that sometimes we have enough faith for God to ANSWER us, but not enough TRUST to move on what He said. Have you ever asked God for an answer or direction for your life....and He answered you PLAINLY and STILL didn't move on what He said?

God has provision and blessing for us stored up for us IN His Will...not where WE wander/venture off to, expecting God "fit" into OUR will. It's in the OBEDIENCE to God's Word that our blessings manifest and provision is availed to us. (Cc: The 10 lepers who were healed in Luke 17:14..."AS they went.") Obedience is what brings you into blessing, provision and favor when everyone ELSE is struggling!

In 1 Kings 17:1-6, Elijah announced a great drought which was sure to lead to famine in an agricultural society. In vs 2-4,Elijah heard the Word of the Lord to go to Kerith Ravine where God would provide food & drink for Him in the midst of the drought.

I'm sure we're all ready to shout right THERE...but nah, my friend. THAT'S only HALF of the process, God's declared provision already...then Elijah MOVED on what God said. We HAVE to be willing to move on what God says! James 2:17 tells us that "faith without works is dead"...just believing doesn't get it done... make a move! We all want "a Word from God'...

but MY QUESTION is this: what are we going to do when we GET it? One of the biggest reasons we don't move on God's Word is because of lack of trust...whether it's lack of trust in His plan or His method of provision.

Lack of trust speaks to a completely different issue: a disconnection between us & God from a lack of intimacy on OUR part. Intimacy is defined as "a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving relationship w/another person or group."

Intimacy BREEDS trust & where there's no intimacy, there can be no trust. How am I so sure? Innately, we don't trust people who we DON'T KNOW!

If that's your issue today, I pray for any reservations or doubt regarding God's Will for you life to be dissolved in the name of Jesus. Meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6 today and let it encourage you!

Have a Happy Tuesday! "Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands." - Ps 119:66

I Love You! 


This morning (06/04/12) as I read the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers in Luke 17:11-17. I was immediately drawn to verses 17-18 where Jesus is asking the ONLY One of the 10 lepers who returned to say "thank you" where the rest of them were.... and that's a GREAT question. It's amazing that God can bless us with something and then we can "disappear" because "we good" now, right?

But THAT isn't the revelation God dropped on me this was from verses 12-13: the lepers stood AT A DISTANCE and cried out to Jesus for Him to have pity on them. ... My question: How many of US get "just close ENOUGH" to God to get something? We pray, fast, read our Bibles, come to church, fellowship with believers who are strong in the faith WHILE we're "waiting on a breakthrough or miracle" ....then it comes ...and sometimes, WE go.

When you don't have a REAL relationship with someone, it's EASY to walk away every time something doesn't go your way or you don't get what you THINK you deserve or want. If we're only seeking after God for blessings, if we DON'T get what we think we want/deserve WHEN we think we deserve it, then it gives us a false sense of validation to walk away from God's way.

We all say & hear others say "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13), BUT we would be doing an injustice to ourselves and our faith not to read the previous two, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." - Phil 4:11-12

The ability to be content while being in need of a blessing & having an abundance of blessings is attained through an intimate, personal relationship with Christ. In this world we live in, lots of people mistakenly tie blessings to their happieness....when they straight, you can't beat them going to church, being all chippery, cheesing down... but as SOON as they're between blessings, you can tell IMMEDIATELY.

In addition to Phil 4:13, we are encouraged to stay in God's presence where there is FULLNESS of Joy (Ps 16:11), promised OVERFLOWING Joy for obedience (John 15:10-11), and a Joy that can NEVER be taken away (John 16:22).

So today I urge us all to go DEEPER with God, drawing close to Him knowing that He will respond and move towards us (James 4:8), get closer than just "at a distance" and I pray the remainder of your day is as AWESOME as the God we serve! :-)

I'm encouraging to go deeper for YOURSELF! :-) 

I Love You!
Allison :-)

Friday, May 4, 2012

"My Life, Your Entertainment"

Ever just been minding your own business, not bothering a single, solitary soul and it seems like folks just start picking with you? Like for NO reason. Are you pretty cordial to everyone but there is STILL a person (or persons) who seem to always have a negative comment to make every time you say or do something, no matter what it is? Every time you hear their voice, your face uncontrollably does this…

             Yep, that person! …BUT this isn’t about them, it’s about...
I’d like to submit to you that there IS a reason they pick at you… You say you’re a Christian. That doesn’t seem like NEARLY enough reason for them to come at you, does it? I can assure you that it is.


"Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good?  But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ.” – 1 Peter 3:13-16

The above passage tells us a couple things: (1) people WILL try you, (2) you WILL be questioned about your faith, (3) ALWAYS be ready, gentle & respectful. (P.S. – this is an EXCELLENT situation to practice meekness! Do NOT let their attitude or actions affect your cheerful disposition!)

As Christians we must realize that we are under CONSTANT scrutiny from the world…don’t fall for the lies: they ARE watching what you say, what you do, who you associate with, where you go, what you wear, etc. And just HOW do I know that? How many times have YOU heard someone ask you or someone else “Oh, I thought you were a Christian?”

So now that we KNOW that we’re being watched, what’s OUR next step as Christians? We have to start LIVING out our gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. It’s some things we can’t do anymore, some places we can’t go anymore, some people we can’t hang around with anymore, some activities we can’t participate in anymore, some things we can’t say anymore. We may be the ONLY “church” or “Bible” that some people encounter.  

You spent enough time in the past doing what unbelievers like to do. You were promiscuous, had sinful desires, got drunk, went to wild parties, and took part in the forbidden worship of false gods. Unbelievers insult you now because they are surprised that you no longer join them in the same excesses of wild living.” –  1 Peter 4:3-4 <--THAT'S why they pick on you.

Our actions will speak louder than anything we profess from our mouths. And I'm not I saying that it’s easy to change our behavior(s) because it wasn’t for me! But I realized the more time I spent with God, in prayer, around godly people and places, the easier it becomes (because this is a continuous growth process)! (SN: you can read more about that in “Choices”)

Trust that those who have not come to adore Christ yet as WE already have ARE watching to see if what WE said lines up with how WE live…and remember, “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.” – 1 Tim 4:16 

Its is my prayer that you fully trust and believe that every good work that God has started in you will be seen through to completion at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 1:6). I pray you are encouraged to live boldly & openly before the world declaring the goodness of Christ with meekness, grace, respect & humility and that you rest in the power of the Holy Spirit to do so! 

I love you! :-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"No 'MANNA' What!"

Quick poll question: Do you know that one person who ALWAYS complains about every, little thing? (Of course it could NEVER be you or me, but “maybe” someone ELSE you know.) I’m talking about if it’s storming, they want it to be sunny…but when the sun is shining they say “well, I didn’t want the sun to be shining THIS much.” Usually when “those people” complain there’s usually one of two options: change the situation or change their outlook on it. LUCKILY, we’re NEVER “those people” because we’re ALWAYS grateful and NEVER complain … 

“The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!” – Num 11:4-6

In the above passage, as Moses was leading the people of Israel through the wilderness they began to complain that all they had to eat was “manna” and how when they were in Egypt (yes, the same Egypt they were enslaved & in bondage in) they had different foods to eat. {SN: Don’t let the temporary false satisfactions of bondage deceive you!} The passage doesn’t say they didn’t have anything to eat but that it wasn’t what they wanted to eat.

Moses, intimidated by the assembly, goes to God with the people’s complaint and God grants their request for meat in Numbers 11:10-15. In verses 16-17 of that chapter, God tells Moses that anointed elders will help him deal with the people of Israel and their burdens…yet, Moses was still worried about HOW God was going to provide meat like He said (v.21-22).  “The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.” – Num 11:23 {SN: When God speaks a Word about something, quit trying to figure out HOW He’s going to do it! When you do YOUR part, trust God to do HIS part!}

Let me briefly explain what “manna” is: “The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.”- Num 11:7. But manna is more than that; it is also the food of the angels. (below is a picture of coriander seeds, as we don't have manna today)

“Yet he gave a command to the skies above and opened the doors of the heavens; he rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven. Human beings ate the bread of angels; he sent them all the food they could eat.” – Ps 78:23-25Yes, the Lord our God fed His children with the food of angels .…Sadly, this wasn’t good enough for the children of Israel. 

Has God ever blessed you with something that you didn’t think was “good enough?” Maybe you were still grateful for the blessing but you kind of wanted to “upgrade” your blessing?

When we are truly grateful for everything God has blessed and entrusted us with, there is no room for complaining despite the circumstances. We must learn to trust God beyond what we see, what we currently possess and believe that God has given us EVERYTHING that we need for “right NOW!” In Matt 6:11 (part of The Lord’s Prayer), we are reminded that God will give us our DAILY bread and Ps 68:19 also reminds us that God DAILY loads us with benefits.

Let me point out a couple things real quick: In the opening scripture, the word “rabble” was in bold print. “Rabble” usually refers to “an unruly, lawless set ready to join a mob” (according to NetBible) … or “the lowest or coarsest class of people” (according to wordnik) … if you EVER start to complain, Get AWAY from people who feed into that or condone you doing it!!! If you find yourself feeling ungrateful, down, depressed, or whatever you NEED to be around people speaking the Word of God!

In Numbers 11:8, the Bible describes how the people of Israel would cook the manna and that it tasted like something made with olive oil. It was not made WITH olive oil, but it tasted LIKE it was. Throughout the Bible oil is utilized as a typography (or symbol) of the Presence of God and the Holy Spirit …so what am I saying? Even when you may not have what you ultimately want, look for God in what you ALREADY have!

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” – Phil 4:11-13

And while you’re contently waiting for the next thing God has in store for you, be encouraged in this "No manna appeared on the day they first ate from the crops of the land, and it was never seen again. So from that time on the Israelites ate from the crops of Canaan.” – Joshua 5:12 

the MANNA they complained about kept them full and satisfied until the harvest came. Everything we have right now is enough to satisfy us now but that is NOT all that God has in store for us!

No “Manna” What you’re going through, experiencing, or have TRUST that God is ENOUGH for YOUR needs!

I love you guys!


Friday, April 13, 2012

“Check, Please!”

Ever had this experience? You waltz into one of those fancy-schmancy restaurants with 467 courses of dinner with 759 pieces of silverware on the table. The menu can sometimes seem overflowing with appetizing options, but after careful consideration we usually either decide on something we really want, take a friend’s suggestion, or settle for something because we’re tired of looking and can’t make a decision. Once we’ve enjoyed our meal, we signal the server and say something like  

The bill comes … and it’s pretty high, not that we weren’t expecting it to be high but just that we expected the meal to be MORE satisfying for the price we paid. I would like to submit this question to you: How many times have we chosen a “course” of sin offered by this world based on our own appetite or desire, the recommendation of a friend, or just from settling? And by “courses” I mean choices we are presented with in our everyday life (perfect example: relationships!). How many times have we gone against God, trying to fulfill our own needs & desires, and paid a price not worth the cost?

Since we all have missed and sinned against God before (Cc:Rom 3:23, 1 John 1:8), we sometimes feel guilty or get down on ourselves for the choices we’ve made but I want to encourage you that GodSTILL loves us and forgives us (just as Rom 3:24 & 1 John 1:9 declare…see how God acknowledged our sin and offered forgiveness in the same passages?!?!)
If you’ll indulge me for a few minutes more, I’d like to encourage you in the work of Christ’s cross which made the forgiveness of our sins possible, the price paid by the Messiah for the redemption of God’s children. I absolutely LOVE how Romans 5:8 declares that “but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” …NOTwhen we “got right” on our own, but WHILE we were being SUPER foolish, sinning against God every chance we got… and left feeling that the price we paid was too high for the sin we committed.Romans 6:21 tells us that the sinful things we once did have now made us ashamed and that the wages of sin are death…aren’t we glad we can rejoice that someone ELSE paid that price?

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” – 1 Peter 1:18-19 (SN: Money couldn’t save your soul then, don’t sell your soul trying to get it now!)
Everything we’ve done, God has forgiven us through the work of Jesus’ cross. Yep, even the thing you’re thinking about right now that absolutely no one else knows about…He’s forgiven you for thattoo! Not only did God forgive us, He resurrected Christ from the grave with ALL power in His hands … and provided us FREE access to it, defeating the enemy in EVERY area of our lives (Cc: Luke 10:19, 1 John 4:4).

“You were spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were not free from the power of your sinful self. But God gave you new life together with Christ. He forgave all our sins. Because we broke God’s laws, we owed a debt—a debt that listed all the rules we failed to follow. But God forgave us of that debt. He took it away and nailed it to the cross. He defeated the rulers and powers of the spiritual world. With the cross he won the victory over them and led them away, as defeated and powerless prisoners for the whole world to see.” – Col 2:13-15
As the world prepares to celebrate “Easter,” we, the bride of Christ, cannot forget to rejoice in theResurrection of Jesus Christ who came to bear the sins of the world, was wounded for our transgressions (violation of the law), bruised for our iniquities (sin), the chastisement (punishment) of our peace was upon Him and by HIS stripes we are healed as Is 54:4-5declares.
I just want to remind you that Jesus loves us SO much, that He LAID down His life for us (John 10:17-18). Despite choosing sin from every “course” available to us, OUR Messiah still loved us and paid the price to redeem us!
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land” – Is 1:18-19 …

God KNEW we were trifling and STILL wanted us.
Enjoy this time of celebration (and however many days you have off from work, lol) and as children of the Most High God we should remember Galatians 2:20 as it states:
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” 
I love you,
Allison :-)
(originally posted: April 6, 2012)

“Words With Friends”

When is the last time you spoke TO your friends? Whether it be via Twitter, Facebook, Text, GroupMe, G-Chat, Email, Phone, or Smoke Signal…you’ve probably spoke TO them fairly recently. But let me pose THIS question: When is the last time you spoke OVER your friends?
And I when I say spoke “OVER” I mean, when is the last time you declared the blessing of the Lord over their life, victory over any trouble they may face in any area, healing from any type of infirmity or disease, or prayed that they walked in the fullness of God’s purpose for their life? And I’m not even talking about strangers, but the people YOU call YOUR friends?
Sometimes, because of the level of intimacy within the friendship, we tend to overlook our friends when it comes to prayer. We can tend to not see their purpose beyond the context of being our “friend.” This can be a dangerous thing … especially if we fail to encourage their dreams and/or purpose, whether it be knowingly or unknowingly.
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”- Eph 4:29
What YOU say about YOUR friends is important because as a child of the Most High God, you (Yes, YOU) have the power of life and death in YOUR tongue (Prov 18:21). One of the BIGGEST dreams that society has sold us is that we don’t need people to survive. Let me dispel that fallacy real quick: that could not be further from the truth … or the Word of God, which are one in the same! The Bible declares that “As iron sharpens iron,so one person sharpens another.” - Prov 27:17
Now that we know that we DO need people, we have to have the RIGHT people around us. “Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.- Prov 11:14 (MSG). Look at that again, it said WISE counsel… not your sister-in-law’s baby cousin Tracy or your home girl/boy who’s just as lost as they wanna be. YouNEED people who are going to tell you what God’s Word says about a situation, NOT how they “feel” or what they would do if they were you or popular opinion.
The Word of God says that “Open criticism is better than unexpressed love.” - Prov 27:5 (GWT) …this means that it is better to have someone who will tell you (to your FACE) when you’re wrong than having friends that silently agree with you (because their refusal to correct you means they agree with your decision!).
…WE have to be willing to listen to OUR friends when they tell us things in love that will only help us because we know in their hearts that they only want to see us succeed. (SN: I’m convinced that this is what allows me to be able to have ALL types of “hard” conversations with my friends and vice versa, because we can all trust the root of where the correction arises. “A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!” - Prov 15:23 …Your “friends” shouldn’t gloat or get some type of weird satisfaction out of offering you correction, but their heart should be glad that God used them to help you.) 
 And if you think you DON’T think YOUR friends should be able to tell you anything, check these two scriptures out:
 “Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.” -Prov 15:22 MSG
 “It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.- Prov 24:5-6
 I urge us all to show the love that we have for OUR friends in deed and in SPEECH, speak over them! You NEVER know what your words of encouragement will do for someone … and I can testify to this OVER and OVER, constantly being on BOTH ends of the conversation!
 “A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” - Prov 25:11 (AMP) 
I love you and remember, it’s YOUR move.. 
 (originally posted March 29, 2012)