Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Cash Out"

Quick question: have you ever purchased a relatively expensive gift for yourself and had people try to get you to explain WHY you would spend THAT amount of money on that particular item? (Examples iPhone 5, iPad mini, (no Apple shade tho!), Concords, LeBrons, or a Certain Shoe or Clothing brand…whatever the case may be.) …And THEN have them suggest what THEY would’ve done with that amount of money?

Most people’s first thought is something along the “you wasn’t with me shooting in the gym” train of thought or one that suggests “you-don’t-know-how-hard-I-work-for-my-money-and-therefore-have-no-right-to-tell-me-how-to-spend-it.” Often times we sacrifice for what we want (publicly AND privately) only to have it criticized by those who won’t be affected either way. After all THAT sacrifice, you won’t let ANYONE discredit what you went THROUGH to get what you want.

Over the last 26 years I’ve come to realize something most folks know, values vary among people. Not everything carries the same weight to different people. For instance, $1 isn’t the same to me as it is to Diddy. *Diddy bops*

“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him,objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” –  John 12:3-5

A few quick points and I’ll be out.
·         Judas, the person IN the church, was SO worried about the CONTENTS of the box, he missed the CONDITION of the woman. A woman, bowed low before her Lord & King (who had also just raised her brother Lazarus from death in John 11) to anoint Jesus as her sacrificial worship. Her worship was birthed out of gratitude!
o   When someone gives COSTLY worship to God, who are we to judge what their worship SHOULD cost? We gotta stop judging folks’ worship!

·         Honestly, it seems like Judas was just trying to help right? Nah … he good.He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.” – John 12:6 … Judas was the treasurer …but he was also stealing to benefit his own needs.
      o   NO ONE knows the price you’ve paid for your worship, therefore NO ONE can tell you HOW to 
           worship! #Confession: I’ll admit it, I used to call folks “Jesus Freaks” because of THEIR 
           style/method of worship (forgive me! Lol) but after THIS year, can’t NO ONE tell me how to 
           worship because NO ONE knows exactly WHAT it cost me.

·        Sometimes your worship will cost you EVERYTHING

When’s the last time you truly worshiped? Does your level of worship reflect your level of gratitude?

Today, I encourage you to get to a place where you can FREELY worship God. Enjoy the peace & joy that worship brings, don’t let ANYONE suppress your worship and surround yourself with people who understand & don’t question your worship! 

Ponder on God's goodness, grace & mercy ...reflect on the gratitude in your heart ... and worship accordingly!

Love you lots ... Not just the cliche' type either, like I REALLY love you! :)
Allison (<--yes, that's actually my real name & not LouBay, contrary to popular belief....but I still answer to both, Lol)


  1. Thank you for sharing this with me...This message touched my heart! You are so right no one knows what it cost me, so not only should they not judge me I shouldn't care when they do! Thank you!

    1. It is truly humbling to share what God's placed on my heart to encourage other people! Continue to worship Him freely, in spirit & in truth ... despite what ANYONE says! :-)

  2. Lou BAY! Always a blessing, always encouraging. I love you too, dear sister. I'm grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you so much!

    1. Aww Jason, I love you too! I continuously thank God for the encouraging people He's placed in my life (including you of course!).
