Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Released & Redeemed"

"Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts." - Ps 119:134

God has to REMOVE some people from our lives for us to obey His Word! The word "oppress" means to press upon, defraud, distress, violate, or deceive others. Sometimes we get SO tangled up in friendships and relationships that press upon, defraud, distress, violate and deceive us from following God's Word. "Redeem me from human oppression" tells us that it's NOT something that we can do in our own strength...YES, it's HARD to cut THAT relationship off or THAT friendship, but God will do so IF we let Him! THEN we will be able to keep His Word.

You ever thought "why do I feel comfortable doing certain things ONLY around certain people?" Like you have a habit you said you're gonna quit 1,000 times but you ONLY do it when a certain person comes around? The people in our environment shape our behavior, no matter if we WANT to admit it or not! (Cc: Prov 27:17) "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Cor 15:33

I pray that we allow God to release us from the pleasing of man, the weight of man's opinions & false approvals and that we all fully embrace the Word of God allowing it to shape our lives!

Happy Wednesday :)

I love you!

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