Thursday, April 27, 2017

Mask Off

Don’t you hate whenever you go to the doctor and they’re swamped/backed up or had to step out of the office? You’ve taken time out of your schedule to get to them and you’re ready to get treated that day. (Sometimes there’s this whole mental preparation that goes into going to the doctor’s office for some folks, like moi.)

On some days when the doctor’s running behind, the nurse may inform you that you’ll be able to see the Physician’s Assistant (PA) to get you in, treated, and on your way… cool. Seems like a pretty normal scenario/course of events right? Nothing strange about seeing the PA right? They’ve gone to school, been licensed, and dispatched by the actual doctor. Cool?

Now that we have *that* understood, let me talk to all of my “strong people” out there… pull up.

Why is it so hard to accept the help that the Lord has sent to you in the form of the good people He’s placed in your life?

For people who are always used to taking care of everything and everyone else, it’s oftentimes extremely hard to accept or even properly utilize help when we’re offered it. Just like in the physical absence of the doctor (the Great Physician), the Physician's Assistant is given + entrusted with the authority to see/treat you.  

After you’re taken to the back at the doctor’s office, you’re usually asked a series of questions, about what brings you in, how you’re feeling, etc. Think about how before the questions start, the door is always closed before they begin. There's intentional privacy created in the room because it requires your transparency and accurate treatment requires honest confession. When is the last time you honestly told a friend how you were doing when they asked? How long have you been hiding behind a facade?

Quit fronting.

For me, that moment was about 2 years ago when my best friend sent a text asking “Are you okay?” It took me almost 20 minutes to text back “no” … through a flurry of tears, a snotty nose, and anxiety being on TEN that day. Something in our friendship broke that day… in the most beautiful way. Allowing her to comfort, console, and pray for me pushed both of us to another level spiritually that day. I literally do not know what would have become of my mental state if I had not simply been honest with her that day.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. - James 5:16

There is a required vulnerability before the Lord …and those assigned to you to help get you where you need to be spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. 

Caveat: The nurse may ask you questions first, but they’re only authorized to treat/diagnose up to a certain point. And that's not a diss to the nurse, but that's out of her authority/scope. Message?

Everybody ain’t authorized for everything. 
Wisdom + discretion are key!

I encourage you to take inventory of all of the people God has sent to assist you on your journey and I pray that you realize that in your weakness, His strength is made perfect… even if it’s in the form of sending other people to help you carry the load. It's my prayer that you recognize those who the Lord has given for you to be your authentic self with, even when you take the mask off!

I love you & as always, praying for you!



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