Friday, April 14, 2017

A GOOD Day Indeed

As a resident of a state (Louisiana) with strong cultural + deeply religious ties to the Christian faith (irrespective of denomination), I’m currently beginning a long weekend starting with today… Good Friday. Depending on who you talk to, the day is usually commemorated with celebration and/or solemn remembrance. This day marks one of *the* most important days in the Christian religion, the day when Jesus offered up His life to save us. Today symbolizes the day love CHOSE us.

Typing those words still shakes me to my core. Like, I *know* me … I mess up, I’m not always as nice as I would like to think that I am, I don’t always apologize when I should because my pride would get in the way, and sometimes I get an attitude (usually from a combination of lack of prayer + food… fight me).
Yet, the Son of Man … King of Kings … Lord of Lords … decides “Yep, her… I’m going to give my life for HER.”                                   
In all honesty, there are some days when I become overwhelmed with the love + grace shown to me in times where I probably wouldn’t have given it to myself. It is on those days that I am reminded that God’s plan + purpose is always greater and always wins in the end. God sees the fullness of purpose in us even when we can’t fathom how we’ll make it another moment.
Think of the absolute hardest or most difficult day you have ever had… know what it has in common with everyone else reading this? We all made it past it. Some more broken, hurt, or scarred than others… but we all made it.
With our steps ordered by God, we are sometimes brought to a place that we think is literally going to take us out.  Let me offer you this: the hard place/thing was never to break you but to grow you and glorify the Father.  Literally, as the time of Jesus’ death approached, know what His response was?
In a few verses above this (v.24), Jesus tells them that He must die so that His life will produce a plentiful harvest of new lives. He was willing to lay His life down so that we would have ours. He submitted to the Lord’s plan unto death trusting the harvest to come.

…So now, that we’ve discussed our Savior laying His life down for others… what do you have to let die so that you can live again and others around you can thrive? Jesus literally laid down His life so that we may have life and life more abundantly… 
What’s keeping you from abundance?

The abundance I speak of is in regards to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control … the saturating, overwhelming manifestation of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.

As we enter this Easter/Resurrection weekend, take a moment to reflect on how submissive you are to the work the Lord wants to do in, on, & through you to grow you and glorify Him.

What are you willing to lose to win again? Is it hatred? Pride? Anger? Gossiping? Discord? Toxic relationships? Unforgiveness?
It is my prayer that we all honestly look inward and relinquish everything that prohibits the free flow of God’s love, peace, & joy in our lives so that we can better serve our God, our families/communities and ourselves.

Love you guys!

LouBay :-) 

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