Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Released & Redeemed"

"Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts." - Ps 119:134

God has to REMOVE some people from our lives for us to obey His Word! The word "oppress" means to press upon, defraud, distress, violate, or deceive others. Sometimes we get SO tangled up in friendships and relationships that press upon, defraud, distress, violate and deceive us from following God's Word. "Redeem me from human oppression" tells us that it's NOT something that we can do in our own strength...YES, it's HARD to cut THAT relationship off or THAT friendship, but God will do so IF we let Him! THEN we will be able to keep His Word.

You ever thought "why do I feel comfortable doing certain things ONLY around certain people?" Like you have a habit you said you're gonna quit 1,000 times but you ONLY do it when a certain person comes around? The people in our environment shape our behavior, no matter if we WANT to admit it or not! (Cc: Prov 27:17) "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Cor 15:33

I pray that we allow God to release us from the pleasing of man, the weight of man's opinions & false approvals and that we all fully embrace the Word of God allowing it to shape our lives!

Happy Wednesday :)

I love you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Trust Issues"

Something I've noticed is that sometimes we have enough faith for God to ANSWER us, but not enough TRUST to move on what He said. Have you ever asked God for an answer or direction for your life....and He answered you PLAINLY and STILL didn't move on what He said?

God has provision and blessing for us stored up for us IN His Will...not where WE wander/venture off to, expecting God "fit" into OUR will. It's in the OBEDIENCE to God's Word that our blessings manifest and provision is availed to us. (Cc: The 10 lepers who were healed in Luke 17:14..."AS they went.") Obedience is what brings you into blessing, provision and favor when everyone ELSE is struggling!

In 1 Kings 17:1-6, Elijah announced a great drought which was sure to lead to famine in an agricultural society. In vs 2-4,Elijah heard the Word of the Lord to go to Kerith Ravine where God would provide food & drink for Him in the midst of the drought.

I'm sure we're all ready to shout right THERE...but nah, my friend. THAT'S only HALF of the process, God's declared provision already...then Elijah MOVED on what God said. We HAVE to be willing to move on what God says! James 2:17 tells us that "faith without works is dead"...just believing doesn't get it done... make a move! We all want "a Word from God'...

but MY QUESTION is this: what are we going to do when we GET it? One of the biggest reasons we don't move on God's Word is because of lack of trust...whether it's lack of trust in His plan or His method of provision.

Lack of trust speaks to a completely different issue: a disconnection between us & God from a lack of intimacy on OUR part. Intimacy is defined as "a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving relationship w/another person or group."

Intimacy BREEDS trust & where there's no intimacy, there can be no trust. How am I so sure? Innately, we don't trust people who we DON'T KNOW!

If that's your issue today, I pray for any reservations or doubt regarding God's Will for you life to be dissolved in the name of Jesus. Meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6 today and let it encourage you!

Have a Happy Tuesday! "Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands." - Ps 119:66

I Love You! 


This morning (06/04/12) as I read the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers in Luke 17:11-17. I was immediately drawn to verses 17-18 where Jesus is asking the ONLY One of the 10 lepers who returned to say "thank you" where the rest of them were.... and that's a GREAT question. It's amazing that God can bless us with something and then we can "disappear" because "we good" now, right?

But THAT isn't the revelation God dropped on me this was from verses 12-13: the lepers stood AT A DISTANCE and cried out to Jesus for Him to have pity on them. ... My question: How many of US get "just close ENOUGH" to God to get something? We pray, fast, read our Bibles, come to church, fellowship with believers who are strong in the faith WHILE we're "waiting on a breakthrough or miracle" ....then it comes ...and sometimes, WE go.

When you don't have a REAL relationship with someone, it's EASY to walk away every time something doesn't go your way or you don't get what you THINK you deserve or want. If we're only seeking after God for blessings, if we DON'T get what we think we want/deserve WHEN we think we deserve it, then it gives us a false sense of validation to walk away from God's way.

We all say & hear others say "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13), BUT we would be doing an injustice to ourselves and our faith not to read the previous two, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." - Phil 4:11-12

The ability to be content while being in need of a blessing & having an abundance of blessings is attained through an intimate, personal relationship with Christ. In this world we live in, lots of people mistakenly tie blessings to their happieness....when they straight, you can't beat them going to church, being all chippery, cheesing down... but as SOON as they're between blessings, you can tell IMMEDIATELY.

In addition to Phil 4:13, we are encouraged to stay in God's presence where there is FULLNESS of Joy (Ps 16:11), promised OVERFLOWING Joy for obedience (John 15:10-11), and a Joy that can NEVER be taken away (John 16:22).

So today I urge us all to go DEEPER with God, drawing close to Him knowing that He will respond and move towards us (James 4:8), get closer than just "at a distance" and I pray the remainder of your day is as AWESOME as the God we serve! :-)

I'm encouraging to go deeper for YOURSELF! :-) 

I Love You!
Allison :-)