Thursday, February 20, 2014

YOUR Dream Deferred

***Disclaimer*** I will be perfectly honest and admit this definitely applies to me as well!

It’s 2014. People you know are writing books, relocating, starting new jobs, building viable side business ventures, graduating and even going back to school … all in an effort to live out THEIR dream.  My question: what are YOU doing to live out YOUR dream?

You've prayed about your dream (and maybe even fasted about it), you've planned it all out in your head, and NOTHING has happened.

What if I told you YOU'RE the reason your dream has been deferred? What if I told you there has been no progress on your dream because YOU haven't made a move? That praying then failing to put in work is just as futile as putting in work without praying? 

The bottom line is you need both Young NehemiahBuild (pray) with one hand and fight (work) with the other, but continue both... you can't afford to stop doing either! We often hear “write the vision and make it plain” … but we often leave out the succeeding text of “that he may run who reads it” … So, you’ve written the vision and you’ve read it … but have you RAN with it?

Yes, your dream seems too big & too daunting of a task at times but God is bigger and He'll complete that good work He began in you. Ask God to search your heart and show you what YOU’RE afraid of regarding that which you have been called to do. God has not given you, me, your cousin or your mama a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind … so let’s GEAUX! (Excuse my Louisiana jargon!)

This year I’m running with the vision God gave me … and I pray you do the same for the vision He’s given you ... Now get busy running!

I'm Gone!

Love you lots!
