Thursday, September 6, 2012

“Are you really ready for ‘Boaz?’”

     As summer unfolds, we have begun to see our friends and family upload pictures from their various excursions ranging from children and parents frolicking at Disney World to our peers lying out on the beach with the girls to… wedding pictures.  Yes, beautifully decorated, heart-warming, love-filled wedding pictures of yet another person who isn’t you.

     This is not to say that you are not thrilled for your family member, friend, co-worker or the waitress at your favorite restaurant, but the thought may pop into your head of when will it be my turn?  As a single, 26-year old Christian woman, I can honestly say that I have had that thought and many others similar to it, namely “where is MY ‘Boaz?’” For those unfamiliar with “Boaz,” he is the subject of probably the most widely known “romantic love story” in the Bible, who essentially sweeps widowed Ruth off her feet.

     As a Christian woman who wants to date, fall madly in love with and spend the rest of my life with a Christian husband, I certainly had a laundry list of prerequisites for my “Boaz.” Although some of the things on my “list” may have been valid (and some just as foolish), I never gave thought to how I would match up to the list “Boaz” presented.  A friend pointed out something that I will never forget: I was so preoccupied with “Boaz” that I had failed to become “Ruth.”  Not just “damsel in distress Ruth” but possessing the true character of Ruth, one who exemplified the love of Christ through selfless giving, service to those around her, diligence, and gentleness coupled with wisdom and a healed heart from past hurts.

     Many women fail to realize that despite Ruth’s happy ending, she tirelessly gave of herself to bring joy to those around her before “Boaz” ever entered the picture (and she worked, lol).  Before Ruth was ever married (to Boaz)she was useful for God’s service as a single woman. When Boaz first saw Ruth and inquired of her, the servant’s response was not about her looks, her education, or her fashion sense but about her heart of service and expressions of love… and that’s what caught his eye. Ruth didn’t allow herself to be plagued by her past hurts and welcomed the opportunity for love …when it presented itself.

     RELAX …and Get Busy for God!  As you await your “Boaz” do all YOU can to become “Ruthfirst!

I've heard lots of men say that a woman's smile can be one the most attractive things ... Women: when's the last time you SMILED?....Like cheesing DOWN because you were content with WHO you are & WHERE you are in God? ;-)

Love you lots! 

Allison :-)